Happy Birthday Noah!

So I know I haven't posted in a really REALLY long time. Sorry. Being 4 + months pregnant, I've been a little bit sick & super tired...ok, let's face it - I've pretty much been sick & tired of doing anything that requires more energy than flipping the pages of a magazine or changing the channel on the tv.

But alas, I bring you a (very) long overdue post. 

So Noah turned one 2 weeks ago & we had a really fun filled day! We went to the splash pads with my friend Jennifer and her 3 kids. Noah was a wee bit dazed & confused - not only was it nap time but it was also his first water experience outside of a bath. 

After a much need snooze session, George & I took him to Mickey D's for lunch & his very first happy meal - he was a very happy boy :) We spent the rest of the day playing at home & getting ready for his birthday bash.

I still can't believe our first year as parents is over. 
Happy Birthday Noah!!!


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